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FAG 51305 Thrust ball Bearing

Brand: FAG


Type: Thrust ball bearing

Item: 51305

Inner: 25mm

Outner: 52mm



 Products  description

Here introduces original FAG bearing:

Original  thrust ball bearing
 is suitable to support one direction axial loads, which is used for crane hook, centrifuge, lifting jack, reducer, etc. Bearing shaft, seat ring and rolling body is separate, can install respectively.

Product detailed information of original FAG 51305:

Inner diameter : 25 mm

Outer diameter : 52 mm

Thickness : 18 mm

New model : 51305 mm

Old model : 8305

Part stock list of FAG thrust ball bearing is below:

51132 52307 51130FP 51305 53306 51322MP 

51134 52308 51130MP 51306 53307 51324MP 

51136 52309 51132MP 51307 53308 51326MP 

51138 52310 51134MP 51308 53309 51328MP 

51140 52311 51136FP 51309 53310 51330MP 

51144 52312 51136MP 51310 53311 51332MP 

51148 52313 51138FP 51311 53312 51334MP 

51152 52314 51138MP 51312 53313 51336MP 

51200 52315 51140FP 51313 53314 51338M 

51201 52316 51140MP 51314 53315 51412MP 

51202 52317 51144FP 51315 53316 51413FP 

51203 52318 51144MP 51316 53317 51413MP 

51204 52320 51148FP 51317 53318 51414FP 

51205 53200 51148MP 51318 53320 51414MP 

51206 53201 51152FP 51222 53215 51238MP 

51207 53202 51152MP 51224 53216 51240MP 

51208 53203 51156MP 51226 53217 51244MP 

51209 53204 51160FP 51228 53218 51248MP 

51210 53205 51160MP 51230 53220 51252MP 

51211 53206 51164FP 51232 53222 51256MP 

51212 53207 51168MP 51234 53224 51264M 

51213 53208 51172MP 51236 53226 51268M 

FAG thrust ball bearings are high quality and reasonable prices. Please contact us for the latest quotation.

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